Anasayfa » close protection services in Turkey

close protection services in Turkey

by hobitavsiye

Bring high-quality close protection services in Turkey that ensure your privacy and safety in all situations. We have a team of trusted and qualified professionals that provide physical security, risk assessments and discreet surveillance for an end to end protection. With a proven record of handling any security challenges, we bring unwavering commitment and expertise to the table that helps our clients to carry out their day to day activities without any hassles.

Feel Secure with Turkey Close Protection

Whether you are a corporate executive or a high profile person, we can provide the best Turkey close protection with our unique services. Using verbal negotiation, unarmed combat or physical restraint, our experienced officers can diffuse any hostile situation. We also provide armoured vehicles that warrant secure transportation all around the world. Quick and reliable, we aim to ensure safety at every turn and also protect your image and reputation.

Close protection security officer

The role of a close protection security officer is not easy. That’s why we choose officers trained in military combat and ensure that your daily security requirements are met effectively. They seamlessly blend in your environment and specialise in operating as a discrete force. Our officers provide round-the-clock monitoring and immediate response to any security situation by using advanced and intelligent solutions.

More: Turkey Security Services

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